so i know i need to blog more, i'm constantly getting harassed to write more about my new york life...however i never think anything is that cool to write about. but i guess i probably do have some random tidbits of random interest.
last week i had the pleasure of running with the big dogs and social elites...not my normal crowd by a long shot. (see previous birthday post and pics). however i'm glad i got a chance to expand my social circle while also avoiding any talk of ivy league schools, the stock market or the status of my trust fund. (i don't have one, duh). but it was an experience. i felt a bit out of place like an ice cube in a desert...sweating of course due to the sudden climate change and humidity here. but all in all what a fun time. i've now become FB friends with all my new socialites and have made it on to invite lists for other parties, benefits and donations to causes. i guess that's what "big dogs" do.
let's see what else. i've found a new great brunch spot. blockheads on amsterdam between 105 and 106th. $10.95 brunch including all you can drink mimosas and champagne. delightful. the food was pretty good, and i recommmend the mimosas over the champagne as the brut is cheap. it's all you can drink what do you expect.
i'm loving living in the big it seems there is always something going on. on my walk home from work today i saw a tent set up on the street and a film crew. of course i snapped a shameless picture. i have no idea what they are filming. most likely it's some columbia student shooting his senior project. oh well seemed glamourous.
hmm what other points of interest. oh of course, i went to coney island for the first time on friday. upon stepping off the train i was unnundated with the smell of hotdogs, saltwater and garbage. delicious. i was going to meet my old ASU friends at Keyspan Stadium. helen and katy and i were all in the same "activities club" in college. some may call this by another name. referring to siblings and family...anyway, helen's dad was a fire chief in brooklyn, now retired and we went to see the famous FDNY NYPD rivarly baseball game. such a crowd of good looking guys with their families...awwww and for an added treat after the game, there was a fireworks show. coney island does it up big. i can't wait to go back again and walk the boardwalk and lay on the beach, and not swim. i've been warned against the water.
this is all for now. and hopefully you've made it to the bottom of this page without dying of boredom. i will try to keep updating more news soon....