check out this girl, she's great. she does all her own designs, and specializes in PANDAS and ninjas!!!! check her store out on, seller name: steppie!
she's doing a contest right now, so check out the details below:
Designs by Steppie steppie's facebook giveaway!
+ pack of 3 rings!
+ any TEE from my shop!
+ any HOODIE from my shop!
+ $15 gift certificates!
all prizes & more can also be found at my online shop:
+ become a fan on facebook:
+ comment on this video!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
might be a lil famous...

so one random night, my friend courtney and i decided to snack on a crumbs cupcake and people watch in union square. this is where we stumbled upon a photoshoot. photographer, howard schatz, is compiling pictures for his new book. he wants various pictures of "new york faces". here are some they sent me...they also had me fill out a lil "about me" incase my pic is chosen for the book!

OY, october!

wow i'm sorry (jenn)and other blog followers for not posting at all in august or september. i am not very good at keeping a blog :(

nyc is still treating me well, and i'm loving living in the city where dreams are made of. yes i'm obsessed with jay-z song, empire state of mind. and listen to it probably atleast 4 times a day. anyway. as fall is fast approaching, i'm trying to transition into "winter mode".
red lipstick. fleece jackets. hats. scarves. boots. ugh.
i will most definately try to keep more up to date with the latest and greatest...right now i have nothing more to say, than, i <3 ny.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
a curious case of a flying wallet....
about a month ago i was leaving work and reached into my bag, to find, NO WALLET. it had been there when i got my venti iced coffee in the morning. where did it go? was it taken while i was crammed against everyone on the train that morning? did someone find it under my desk and steal it? doubtful. what the heck?
what an inconvenience. cancel all my cards, borrow cash, get a new ID...blah. plus i just bought this wallet, and it's freakin cute. ugh.

after work i get a call from my co-worker...he's wondering how i got on the train...i don't understand. he says my wallet is at work! but i have my wallet i say. no no no, my wallet from FIVE WEEKS AGO has now suddenly been returned. WHAT!?! apparently, a bartender from downstairs our work was out smoking and said he got hit in the head by this lady's wallet. so he saw my work ID and called upstairs. of course the first thing he said was "there was no money in it"...Mmmm Hmmmm well i had around $30 or $40...oh well. the perplexing thing is where the hell has it been for the last five weeks. did it really hit some guy in the head? how did it get somewhere to fall in the first place? hmmm so many questions. atleast its back.
if only wallets could talk.
what an inconvenience. cancel all my cards, borrow cash, get a new ID...blah. plus i just bought this wallet, and it's freakin cute. ugh.

after work i get a call from my co-worker...he's wondering how i got on the train...i don't understand. he says my wallet is at work! but i have my wallet i say. no no no, my wallet from FIVE WEEKS AGO has now suddenly been returned. WHAT!?! apparently, a bartender from downstairs our work was out smoking and said he got hit in the head by this lady's wallet. so he saw my work ID and called upstairs. of course the first thing he said was "there was no money in it"...Mmmm Hmmmm well i had around $30 or $40...oh well. the perplexing thing is where the hell has it been for the last five weeks. did it really hit some guy in the head? how did it get somewhere to fall in the first place? hmmm so many questions. atleast its back.
if only wallets could talk.

Monday, July 27, 2009
new york stories
so i know i need to blog more, i'm constantly getting harassed to write more about my new york life...however i never think anything is that cool to write about. but i guess i probably do have some random tidbits of random interest.
last week i had the pleasure of running with the big dogs and social elites...not my normal crowd by a long shot. (see previous birthday post and pics). however i'm glad i got a chance to expand my social circle while also avoiding any talk of ivy league schools, the stock market or the status of my trust fund. (i don't have one, duh). but it was an experience. i felt a bit out of place like an ice cube in a desert...sweating of course due to the sudden climate change and humidity here. but all in all what a fun time. i've now become FB friends with all my new socialites and have made it on to invite lists for other parties, benefits and donations to causes. i guess that's what "big dogs" do.
let's see what else. i've found a new great brunch spot. blockheads on amsterdam between 105 and 106th. $10.95 brunch including all you can drink mimosas and champagne. delightful. the food was pretty good, and i recommmend the mimosas over the champagne as the brut is cheap. it's all you can drink what do you expect.
i'm loving living in the big it seems there is always something going on. on my walk home from work today i saw a tent set up on the street and a film crew. of course i snapped a shameless picture. i have no idea what they are filming. most likely it's some columbia student shooting his senior project. oh well seemed glamourous.
hmm what other points of interest. oh of course, i went to coney island for the first time on friday. upon stepping off the train i was unnundated with the smell of hotdogs, saltwater and garbage. delicious. i was going to meet my old ASU friends at Keyspan Stadium. helen and katy and i were all in the same "activities club" in college. some may call this by another name. referring to siblings and family...anyway, helen's dad was a fire chief in brooklyn, now retired and we went to see the famous FDNY NYPD rivarly baseball game. such a crowd of good looking guys with their families...awwww and for an added treat after the game, there was a fireworks show. coney island does it up big. i can't wait to go back again and walk the boardwalk and lay on the beach, and not swim. i've been warned against the water.
this is all for now. and hopefully you've made it to the bottom of this page without dying of boredom. i will try to keep updating more news soon....
Friday, July 24, 2009
a very new york birthday...
Friday, July 17, 2009
never again.
Monday, July 6, 2009
oh that chelsea...

so i have recently re-discovered the comedy of chelsea handler. omg. i've been reading quotes from her blog on e! and cannot get over how freaking hilarious she is. i'm going to be investing in her book, "are you there vodka, it's me chelsea" as soon as payday comes and as soon as i can venture to a target. no barnes & noble for this girl. why should i spend too much money on a BOOK...i don't read.

some of my fav quotes: says Chicago is the best city for men to live in. Loads of beef, beer and chubby girls, who could ask for anything more? I guess the best place for women to live is Alaska. According to Men in Trees, Northern Exposure and Bristol Palin’s sex life, it’s a great place to meet men. The weather is cold, so you can hide your Taco Bell weight with layers, and there are lots of moose there, who are known to be sensitive lovers.
John Mayer is rumored to be dating a waitress. That’s an insult to Jennifer Aniston. You can’t go from Aniston to a waitress. If my lover ever decides to move on, he’s only got two options: suicide or Oprah."
"Jon and Kate released a statement that they will no longer be releasing statements about their marriage troubles. Go ahead. I can speculate about your lives all I want. I don't need you to tell me what's going on behind the scenes of Jon & Kate Plus 8. At the end of the day, I know what I need to know. Kate's still got a sh---y haircut and Jon's still Asian." - - Chelsea Handler
A head’s up to anyone who missed the recent announcement on the show. We are officially referring to the Spencer-Pratt nightmares as Herpe Simplex 1 (Spencer) and Herpe Simplex 2 (Heidi), because they just won’t go away. If anybody wants to discuss them with me, I will only listen when they are referred to in this manner.Paula Abdul has everybody talking since she said that she’s “not sure” she is returning to American Idol next season. Calm down, people, this isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. She probably just doesn’t remember. I don’t even think she’s sure that she was on it last season.
In a recent interview, Jessica Biel complained that she can’t get good movie roles because she is too beautiful. I encountered similar obstacles along my path, and I would like to say to Jessica: Keep your head high and your standards low, and one day maybe you, too, can end up on the E Network.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
love love love
Saturday, June 6, 2009
gotta try it - dogmatic
now at first glance it may sound absurd..."fancy street food". well it's amazing. they take mini baguette bread, toast it from the inside and wrap it around a tasty sausage (aka hot dog). the flavors are simply tantilizing!
sausages range from: lamb, chicken, pork, or asparagus (not really sausage but a vegetarian option) the sauces are to die for, horseradish, spicey jalapeno cheddar, pesto and a minty one too. the bread is toasty and crusty on the outside and chewy and delish on the inside.
each "sandwich" is also served with a side. i had the mini baked mac & cheese. holy yum batman. crusty baked cheese and yummy noodles. simply perfect.
they also specialize in homemade "sodas". i had a coconut one which was more like a dessert. sweet coconut milk, a hint of spice and bubbly soda. delectable! my friend meredith had a raspberry one which was oh so refreshing.
the ambiance is uber cute. very modern, clean, minimalist. my favorite thing was the large island family style table with chairs that slide out from underneath! if you are in union square you have to try it! you will not be disappointed!
went on a walk...ended up at a reunion
so i decided to go on a walk around my neighborhood...up broadway and around cathedral parkway, and mosey-ed through the columbia university campus. turns out there was a columbia graduates class reunion..ha! i may have stuck out like a sore thumb...but i tried to harness my "college kid" energy and seemed to fit in just fine...
i didn't really crash it, just walked by and of course took a picture on my phone :)
this is why i love living in new york, you never know what's just around the corner!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
new new new
so within the last few weeks, i have moved to a new apt, in a new city, and will be starting a new is crazy!

in a couple weeks i will be starting a new job at sony music as an office assistant at a recording studio in times square. i cannot be more excited! this was a job i was interviewing for when i accepted my current (leasing office) job. they took about a month to make a decision and just offered me this job about a week ago.
my new apt in manhattan is fabulous. i'm loving my new digs and love being on the upper west side. i've been able to discover some great new places around my neighborhood including: riverside park and the hudson beach cafe. i laid out in the park and tanned on memorial day it was gorgeous. i also found this gem of a cafe right on the parkway overlooking the hudson river. the waiters are cute and the food is delish!
soon some friends will be coming out to visit me in the big city! i cannot wait! my place is steps away from the hampton's jitney bus naturally we want to hop on and check out the exclusive hamptons!!! :) more blogging to come...

Monday, May 11, 2009
movin to manhattan!
i'm moving on up- to the west side! i'm going to be moving into a shiny new apt. on wednesday! it's in a great neighborhood about 3 blocks to central park, and one block to another. so far i'm the first roommate to move's a 4 BR apt share. the owners live there, an older couple, and they are renting out the 3 other bedrooms. it will be like living alone, since my room has its own key and is not directly off any common areas. it's a modest sized room, but large enough for my queen sized bed, a built in wardrobe closet with overhead storage, full sized dresser with mirror (included), and a mini-fridge (included). and i'm so excited to finally have a WINDOW!!!! i found this place through a broker, and it's a steal. all utilities are included, water, heat, gas, electric and wifi. amazinnnng. oh and the building...pretty posh. whitestone, grand entryway with marble floors, elevator...front stoop. i love! i don't really have any pictures stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
just say no
today i went shopping with kitty. she lives in minnesota. i live in new york. oh technology! we both needed to pick up a few items at CVS. so we decided to coordinate and walk there together. i know it seems odd, but it was quite fun. cellphones coordinated, and our trip commenced. all that was on my list was: cheese puffs. what can i say i had a craving.
inside the store, browsing the shelves full of shampoo and lotions i decide i also need shampoo. $2.15 for a bottle of suave, i guess i'll splurge. a sweet tooth overcomes me...add to cart, sour patch kids and a mini twix. checking out...oh rob pattison, add to cart life & style mag. "a little bit of this, a little bit of that..." santana and michelle branch. kitty asks "oh you can hear the music in here?" NOOOO it's the SAME SONG in NEW YORK!!! is there a master play list at ALL national chain CVS stores???? bizarre.
all in all, a successful shopping trip with my bff. eventho she is across the country, we can shop for frivolous items together at the local store. good great grand.
upon arriving home, i realize i must have taken a subconscious bong hit before shopping. empty contents of bag: twix, sour patch kids, diet coke, cheese puffs....
don't do drugs. (p.s. i didn't i just have the munchies i guess?)

Monday, April 20, 2009
my first day!!!!

so i made it through my first day of work at my new job! and i got offered a promotion already. well sort of. i went in early to meet with a manager, and it turned out he wanted to interview me for another position with the company. this other job just became available and would be more involved with the property management side of things. however, i love the position i was hired for! i am the receptionist at the leasing office. i get to field calls and interact with potential renters/tenants of our buildings. the other job i would be an assistant for one guy...not as much people interaction...sooo needless to say i want to stay put for now, however it was flattering to be considered for this other job too!
here are some pics of my new digs...there is a large tenant lounge area/ballroom that is in the building where i work. i can lunch here and hang out on breaks. there are tons of couches, chairs and a big screen tv- lets me catch up on my stories :)
so far so good!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
I GOT A F*#@$-ing JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!
the day has finally come! i have a job. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cannot believe it! i'm so very very very excited. this excited:
i will be the leasing office receptionist/office assistant for metro loft management. they take historic buildings in the financial district and make them into high-end loft-style apartments. i am thrilled to be working for this company. the people seem very nice and the environment is young and energetic. i went in today to fill out paperwork and take a drug screen. as soon as the results are back i can start!
this whole job-search experience has been a long, frustrating process and i am SO glad it is over! i feel so lucky to have found a good company and a place where i can move up. i'm thinking it would be great to become a leasing agent. i would love to do apartment showings!
so stay tuned for more about my new NEW YORK JOB!!!! :)
Friday, April 10, 2009
ellen, my new friend
i really would like to become friends with ellen degeneres. i was watching her show, the ellen show, and realized we have a very similar sense of humor. i think we would have a lot of fun as friends. so my new life mission (besides finding a job in nyc) is to meet ellen and hang out.

my process is 3 fold:
1. email ellen daily
2. post comments/jokes on her facebook
3. come up with ways to be famous and or a talent to get on the show
this will definately require dedication. i am prepared. i am starting the patch (of the nicotine variety) on monday. i am replacing smoking addiction with ellen addiction. i will put all my energy into this project. i'm very excited.
stay tuned.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
sex, lies and lifetime!

what could be better than bad tv? last night i had the pleasure of watching the world premiere of nora roberts' northern lights on lifetime. now before you judge, let me explain my reasonings. a. limetime movies while they are taboo and stimga-ed for being a housewives guilty pleasure, they are indeed awesome, you know you wanna watch. b. the newly speculated affair between lifetime co-stars leann rimes and eddie cibrian must be seen in the flesh c. eddie cibrian is hot (see pictures

i must say this made-for-tv movie went beyond all my expectations. seriously. there was murder, seduction and lies oh my! i'm sure it will be on about 12 more times this week, if you have the chance to catch it, do so. and leann rimes did a decent job acting, the only thing missing was a cheesy singing montage performance...bummer.
i can't wait to hear if she really cheated on her husband with the steamy co-star, eddie...i've liked him ever since sunset beach. (soap opera airing after days of our lives on nbc, cancelled after a season or two...)

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
something about jon or don...

my latest hollywood crush/interest is mr. jon hamm. (see pictures above). he is most well known as don draper on madmen, which by the way is one of the best shows on television. and as i am poor and do not have cable except the 6 stations that i can bootleg from my neighbors, i have been netflix-ing madmen, add to your queue, stat. ok so i digress. i'm not sure what it is, as mr. hamm or i prefer to refer to him as don. don is probably 15-30 years older than i am...ok not 30, but he is older. but has some sort of old hollywood dreaminess about him. his quirky character on 30rock is far from the suave, debonair ways of his madmen alter ego, donald draper. however i still LOVE him. i hope he is one of my nyc celebrities that i will soon run into and shameless approach and ask for a picture...note photo below with cast of 'true beauty'....i still loathe myself for taking this picture.
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